Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pole Shift and Dooms day!

Guys I just want pen down some known facts about the so called "Dooms day", what really it is and its consequences.

To start with, we want to have some basic knowledge about how earth works itself to keep its inner atmosphere safer to live.

We often suppress the magnetic field that earth produces, because the other forces such as gravity dominate it. And we often confine these magnetic theories to lab.  Now we sail in the pool of questions and answers that i feel most of us want to know.

The first thing that comes to "Researchers" mind is the Earth's magnetic field,and it connection to the earths atmosphere.

So the question rises again.....what is this earth's magnetic field??

This should be really simple, there are many ways to prove this,one way is simply when you hang a piece of magnet connected to a string, it will point to the north indicating that the magnetic field starts at the core of the earth and moves from south pole and ends back at the core passing north pole in the antarctic region some where. The other way of literally "looking" at it is the "Aurora australis"(
Aurora's result from the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetic field).

What does this Earth's magnetic field do??When we talk about the outer space the universe, galaxies and stars,we talk about the space weather which is really nasty, the winds that blow through galaxies are radiations that comes from distinct starts that explode frequently in the universe. We confine our note to our solar system, when we talk about solar system the only thing that comes to our mind is the "Sun" ,which is a thermo-nuclear furnace which emits tons of radiation every second and often earth comes inline with these nasty radiations and guess what these earth's magnetic fields deflect these charged particles and protect us from entering these radiations.

So the Question rises again......There has to be some major "event" happened after which this huge magnetic field has been set up??

This answer needs some expertise in astrophysics and stuff, but here I explain it in a simple way.
The only way we can answer this question is to go to the earth's core........Is that possible??????

Hunt for this problem started and man actually started building his own "earth's core" but in a smaller version like a "ball of fire" and started studying the effects of magnetic field and its origin, so what this fire ball really does is, it creates itself a "self sustaining electro-magnetic dynamo" that's what they think the earth is a "magnetic dynamo".

We know the fact that the electric charge produces magnetic field, so based on this fact "Researchers" came up with a theory on how this core produces this electric field.
Scientists feel that just as the electric current produces magnetic field, magnetic field also produces electric current, the key is the liquid metal in the core which is in constant motion drives this process.

When there is a moving conductor, currents get set up automatically, here in the earth's core molten metal is the moving conductor.This actually works in a loop, a little bit of magnetic field couples in with the motion of the liquid which gives rise to the currents flowing in the core. Again this currents cause more magnetic field, this again couples with motion of the molten liquid and produces a magnetic field, a kind of feed back loop that can cause the magnetic field to rise abruptly, and that's how the scientists feel that these earth magnetic field works, its kinda hard to imagine but yes this is the fact and that's what is happening in the earth's core. Scientists don't know what made these magnetic fields to set up in the earth's core, but bristly they believe that stray magnetic fields from sun might be the cause of this phenomenon.

Another question arises again.....so how long does this magnetic field will held to the earth. If not is earth also crawling slowly in the path of "RED PLANET" (Mars), this should probably answer the "dooms day theory" and "2012 theory" and the "Mayan calender theory" (which says that there is end in 2012), all of the theories state one thing that earth is at the start of its end and all living creatures will vanish on earth after "DEC 21  2012", is that true???

So in order to study the above problem scientists started studying "Chain of pacific islands" which are formed on cooling or solidification of molten lava and contain some magnetism which should point towards the north pole because the magnetic field is occurs from south pole to the north pole. "Researches" find astonishing results when they go really back in time like some millions of years ago, when the collected samples were tested, they found that the magnetic "crystals" in the molten rock point differently at different times, which say that there was "pole reversal" some millions of years ago. This is also supported by ancient pottery which are like magnetic tape recorders of the past magnetic fields. Researchers strongly say that there were pole reversals and there might be one in the future.
But still "Scientists" say that we still have millions of years 
for that event to take place.

Most of those who know this theory relate the magnetic pole reversal to be in the year "2012", but yes we are due of one pole reversal since the last one occurred, for this to occur the earths magnetic field has to decrease first which would shut down the earths "electro-magnetic dynamo" , scientists already have seen the decrease in the magnetic field, but needs another million of years for the reversal, by that time our civilizations would be better prepared for the catastrophic events that might come when this reversal occurs.

The matter may not make sense to some one because, I've skipped most of the explanations at the end about how the earths magnetic field decreases and the consequences that would take place after the pole reversal, which are quite interesting but you might get bored reading all these stuff at a time.

All these matter written above are my studies of research journals, "google search", wiki  and documentaries. Thanks to NASA engineers who solved these puzzles and came up with the theory that would help the future civilizations to work on.
The only motivation for me to write all this stuff is my fascination towards universe and studies related to milky ways and galaxies.

hope you guys like it.

Do send comments @ rakesh.pyaram27chandra@gmail.com

Best Regards
Rakesh Chandra Pyaram
Minnesota State, Mankato

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